
Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation launches new project: Blue Carbon

The new project Blue carbon, which is the one captured in the oceans and coastal ecosystems.

The project aims to identify new areas, protect and restore these marine ecosystems. These areas are disappearing, however, they play a key role in the fight against climate change.

The project will be launched on the first day of the UN Ocean Conference, 27th of June, in Lisbon.


Universidade Nova de Lisboa is preparing an interdisciplinary bachelor on the Ocean

The BA is still to be approved by the competent entities. The Ocean BA is architectured in a multidisciplinary basis, in partnership with Universidade do Algarve, and five of the nine schools part of the Universidade Nova de Lisboa (Nova School of Law, Nova School of Business and Economics, Nova School of Science and Technology, Nova Information Management School and Nova School of Social Sciences and Economy).

The classes will be in english and its courses focus on sustainability, climate change, maritime law, blue economy and international relations.


New projected from “Público” which is dedicated to topics related to the environment, climate change and sustainability. It aims to fill in the gap in the Portuguese society with the engagement of all actors (academics, economists, civil society, scientists, among others) to tackle the current agenda on environment, climate change and sustainability.